Q: Since ToolTrack is designed for SMB, will we have to move to a "big boy" LIMS in a few years?
A: Nope.
While ToolTrack was designed to make sure SMB isn't left behind, it can easily scale to high-volume automation.
Unlike those "big boy" LIMS products using legacy architecture, ToolTrack LIMS combines the traditionally separated database and application layers.
This means that ToolTrack LIMS is extremely performant because there isn't an inherent delay in communication between different components, and the
system scales incredibly effectively with the IT infrastructure / server hardware. Of course, for a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) implementation
you don't have to worry about any of this. But if you're planning for an on-premise deployment, it's nice to know that you don't need separate
servers to run one software solution!
For the more advanced manufacturing environments ToolTrack LIMS fully supports RESTful web services that can be used to integrate any external system,
homegrown or commercial. We support out-of-the-box Application Program Interfaces (API) for securely querying data, providing hooks for ERP/MRP/accounting systems, and even communicating with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) middleware to interface with equipment
PLCs for automated material movement and remote processing.
If you have a special use case that requires a customized API, we can build that as well for much less than you'd expect.